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COP Goals
What is the COP agreement?

COP is the annual UN climate conference. A ‘COP’ means ‘Conference of Parties’.

Governments and negotiators from across the world travel to the meeting to discuss how to keep temperatures below dangerous levels and prevent the climate crisis from causing even worse catastrophes for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.

The COP is a summit of all the countries which are part of the UN’s climate change treaty, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change or ‘UNFCCC’. There are 197 members of this process and they are known as ‘parties’ to the treaty.


What does the COP agreement mean for the world?


New regulations, circular supply chain, penalties. Governments are obliged to set out more ambitious goals to commit their efforts towards the Paris Agreement. A number of countries are rolling out sustainability reporting measures.

Countries pledged to work to keep temperature rises below 1.5C. If the world warms more than this threshold, millions more people in the most vulnerable communities around the globe will suffer from devastating droughts, storms, floods and other impacts of climate change.

Based on the IMF's recommendation, the 2030 price floor should be US$75 (S$100) per tonne of emissions for advanced economies, US$50 for high-income emerging- market economies and US$25 for lower-income emerging markets.


SDG Goals



The SDG goals are interrelated, each one has a domino effect of impacting the next and eventually affecting the quality of  our lives. Simply put, more time spent on fixing problems is less time with our loved ones.

The linear business model is cradle to grave and is based entirely on consumption of resources. The circular business model aims to reduce consumption by reuse, repurposing and recycling of goods. Linear business model doesn't reintroduce the material in the system while the circular model leverage the principles of reuse, repurpose, recycle and remanufactured in order to prolong the life of a product, upcycle it or re-use the raw materials by introducing them in the production cycle.

Circular business models are enablers of new sustainable economy. It's a different way of thinking, but does not imply less profit or innovation. The model provides opportunities for disruptors to come into the market and the catalyst for incumbents to change.  Business model can be evaluated across 5 dimensions: economic viability, financial viability, productivity, efficiency and Corporate social responsibility.

Technology is a key ingredient in the circular economy and business model. Technology can enable a new product and service to be developed.To identify the opportunities to use technology to increase sustainability, an organization can evaluate how to improve the supply chain agility, adaptability and alignment, as also how to optimize the operations. Technology can enhance collaborations between stakeholders, the reduction of waste by punctual planning, recycling of material, as also design of products in the way that they can be used longer or easily disposed. 

Rising trend of CO2 emissions

Rapid globalisation in the 1970s has given us more choices in our stores however it has also set an unhealthy trend to carbon production levels worldwide causing a steep rise in per capita carbon footprint. Can we keep these choices with less damage to our environment? Yes we can,  by changing our mindset and behaviour towards consumables. By understanding consumption patterns which are sustainable for us to change. By choosing circular designs. By reducing, reusing, repurposing and recycling before we decide to send them to our landfills.
TGI strives to reduce waste from our landfills by half and return to Earth what's from Earth.
Our procurement partnership offers corporations & consumers 
1) State of the art equipment to convert as much food waste into organic soil.
2) An option for a planned procurement
3) Opportunities to purchase low carbon manufactured products
4) A wide variety of eco-friendly product alternatives with a circular design.

Food and Packaging waste streams


Our research shows on average that a 5 million developed population produces 744kg food waste and 1.6 million tonnes of domestic waste.

From Earth to Earth


This campaign aims to reduce our per capita carbon footprint  by encouraging composting at home before disposing our trash into recycling trash bins.

Our Industrial compostable series has to be returned to the nearest plastic trash bin. They are compostable under industrial conditions.


Certified: ASTM D6400, EN13432, OK Compost, AS4736

Our home compostable series is compatible with our residential digester model TGI-Cycler-02.


Certified: OK Compost HOME, AS5810

Back to the Moon


Keep a lookout for our Upcycled and Mum-made logos.


We are working with Mums & Grandmums who have valuable skills but are displaced by technology by bringing their offerings back to the market.  


We are also working with a group of highly creative girls from various educational institutions who carefully prototype and re-engineer products from our collection drives. These products have to qualify our in-house standards of repurposing before release into the market.

How much carbon can you reduce by purchasing our products?

TGI is targeting to reduce an estimated 1 million KG of waste from landfills every 10 years.


of waste from landfills